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Rapid DNA instruments are printer sized, self-contained instruments used to analyze DNA samples process that can produce lab-quality DNA profile in as little as 90 minutes.


Designed for non-laboratory law enforcement use. For example, the police officer
inserts a cartridge containing DNA evidence into the Rapid DNA unit to obtain results.


Rapid DNA instruments are fully approved for known reference DNA sample use by national forensic DNA oversight boards including the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods and the FBI National DNA Index System Board.


Recommended for single-source samples to be used and processed for qualified investigative leads or human identification.


Rapid DNA is changing law enforcement's relationship with DNA  


Get DNA answers within hours rather than months or longer. 


It’s a game changer. Narrow in on your suspect or exonerate them immediately with DNA on day one of
the criminal investigation

Applications of Rapid DNA

Direct Comparison

This application does not require a DNA database. Law enforcement can collect a sample from a suspect and a sample from a crime scene and process both samples on the Rapid DNA device.   In just a few hours  the police officer will know if the crime scene DNA and the DNA from the suspect matches or exonerates. 

Crime Scene Investigator

Comparison to State Independent Database

This application allows DNA from crime scenes to be tested on Rapid DNA and then compared to the DNA of criminal offenders maintained by the state crime lab. The FBI does not yet allow crime scene DNA tested on Rapid to be uploaded into the state and federal CODIS system. Therefore, for this application to work, the state lab must create a sperate database of the state criminal offender DNA information. At least 3 states are using this application with impressive results. See Connecticut and Arizona programs for good examples. 

Comparison to Local Database

This application requires local law enforcement to place DNA from crime scenes and the DNA from consenting volunteers or suspects into a local DNA database.  The crime scene DNA is then compared to the volunteers and suspects to find matches.   This application has proven very successful in solving and reducing crime.   See Bensalem, Pennsylvania Police Department's Rapid DNA program as a good example of this application. 

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Booking Station

This application requires a state law allowing  police to take DNA upon  arrest at the booking station.  The arrestee’s DNA is then instantly processed in the Rapid DNA device and compared to the DNA from unsolved crime scenes maintained in the FBI's CODIS database. The primary purpose of this application is for law enforcement to know if an arrestee is wanted for a serious unsolved crime prior to being released from police custody.   In August, 2022 Louisiana became the first state to come on-line with this application.  

Victim Identification



When people are killed in fires, accidents, or natural disasters, their remains may not be identifiable.  With Rapid DNA, identifications are made quickly. Rapid DNA accomplishes this by comparing human remains and family references samples. With Rapid the identification can take place within hours of the incident. Fast DNA processing time provides family members with answers family members need following a tragic event. This application of Rapid DNA has many local governments pursuing Rapid DNA to be prepared for the next emergency.

Forest Fire

Please get in contact if you have further questions on any rapid DNA application.


Go Rapid DNA was launched in 2022 with an intent to educate and spread awareness about Rapid DNA. It is our mission to bring attention to the value of Rapid DNA to solve crimes and exonerate the...Read more







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